
How To Clean Butter Out Of Carpet

How to get grease out of your carpet ?


How to Remove Grease Stains from Carpet

When you're walking barefoot on your carpet and you encounter any kind of stain, you'll probably want to get rid of it as fast as possible, right? When that stain happens to be a grease stain, you'll definitely need an effective do-it-yourself method to turn to at home.

With Coit's guide to removing grease stains from carpet, an unexpected grease stain won't stop you in your tracks.

How to Remove Grease Stains from Carpet – Method # 1

Whether you encounter cooking grease or machinery grease that needs to be removed, this method is something you can do when removing grease stains from carpet.

  1. Blot up as much of the grease stain as possible; you'll then want to apply a substance like cornmeal, since it acts as an absorbent.
  2. Take a brush with stiff bristles and brush the stain to break it up.
  3. If the grease is still visible, apply a dry-cleaning solvent (Afta Cleaning Fluid is a good one to try) using a clean sponge.
  4. Apply a dry spotter to the stained area. A dry spotter is made by combining 8 parts liquid dry-cleaning solvent and 1-part coconut oil. Mineral oil, though not as effective, can also be substituted for coconut oil.
  5. Using an absorbent pad, cover the stain with more dry spotter.
  6. As the pad continues to pick up the stain, you'll see that this answers the question of how to remove grease stains from carpet.

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How to Get Grease Out of Carpet – Method # 2

Another way to tackle the task of how to remove grease stains from carpet involves using white vinegar.

  1. Using a bit of water, sponge the stain.
  2. Apply a few drops of white vinegar, along with a wet spotter. A wet spotter is made of one part dishwashing detergent, one part glycerine and eight parts water (shake it well and store in a plastic water bottle).
  3. Pour a generous amount of wet spotter onto an absorbent pad. Place the pad directly onto the grease stain.
  4. Change the absorbent pad as the grease stain gradually disappears.
  5. You can repeat steps 1 through 3, flushing the grease stain with water.

Removing grease stains from carpet is something that doesn't have to be as bad as it seems. Though grease is often sticky and hard to handle, these do-it-yourself methods will keep your carpet looking its best.

Here's another method to try when you're wondering how to get grease out of carpet:

  1. Mix one cup of warm water with ¼ cup of mild liquid dish soap.
  2. Dip a cloth in this solution and then put pressure on the grease stain.
  3. Leave the solution on the spill for five minutes.
  4. Using a clean cloth, blot the stain. It should begin to lift off the carpet and onto the cloth.
  5. Once the stain is no longer visible, place a few paper towels over the area. Hold them down with a heavy object and leave overnight to absorb any remaining liquid.

So the next time you encounter a grease stain, either from cooking or from your car, don't sweat it. How to get grease out of carpet is a problem you can tackle with a few do-it-yourself remedies.

For more in depth carpet cleaning that offers professional equipment and trained technicians, call COIT Cleaning today to learn about our satisfaction guarantee. Don't forget to checkout our coupons!

Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.

How To Clean Butter Out Of Carpet


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