
How To Clean Apple Wood For A Gecko

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Leopard geckos are hands downward one of the coolest (and cutest) reptiles y'all tin keep as a pet. If you've only brought one dwelling, you're probably wondering how exactly to take care of it. Nosotros've got yous covered! This article will walk you through everything you need to know—what kind of habitat your leopard gecko needs, what kind of food you should feed it, how to deal with skin shedding, and more—and so you can keep your reptilian friend happy and salubrious.

  1. 1

    Buy a 20 gallon ( 50) long tank or larger with a screen hat. [one] Purchase a glass, wooden, or plastic container from a pet store to firm your leopard gecko, including a securely fastened screen chapeau. A secure lid is important, especially if you have a cat or dog. Yous may detect these sold every bit aquariums, vivariums, or terrariums. If you already have a home for your gecko, skim through this section to make sure it meets your pet'south needs. The tank should be wider than information technology is tall, as leopard geckos are terrestrial. There'south no size limit for adults, but in larger tanks, there must be plenty of hides and so they don't get stressed.

    • You lot tin can also purchase a tank with a sliding door at the front end instead of a screen lid. This tank would make it easier to tame your gecko.
    • A twenty gallon (75.vii L) tank will concord one leopard gecko. Information technology is best to business firm geckos separately as these reptiles get extremely stressed and fight if housed together. Even females who are similar in size cannot live together and may fight even if raised together. Even a breeding pair should be separated after mating.[2]
  2. two

    Line the container. Embrace the bottom of the container with a layer of textured tile or dry Eco globe. Reptile carpet is an option as well, just information technology tin trap bacteria and your gecko's claws may go caught in it. Brand sure insects do non become under the substrate. You lot may employ paper towels or newspaper instead, but make sure to replace them regularly as they become dirty or intermission apart. Crickets tin get nether this besides. Never use sand, peculiarly non calcium sand. If your gecko was living in sand before yous bought it, sentinel information technology advisedly for signs of illness or take information technology to a veterinary. [3] [four]

    • If using rock or some other heavy substrate, consider putting a couple layers of newspaper towel or a handful of dry out Eco Earth between the floor and the rock to reduce the run a risk of breakage and chipping. Sand is some other option, merely make sure information technology is non in reach of the gecko.
    • Never use cedar wood chips or other resinous woods, since these may be toxic to leopard geckos. They too have been known to pierce the gecko's gullet.


  3. three

    Oestrus the tank. [five] Use a heating pad/mat specifically for reptile tanks, or "under tank heater," to heat the tank to nigh 90F. Don't use heat lamps as they damage leopard geckos sensitive eyes and they but absorb heat through their bellies. Utilize thermometers on each side of the cage to go along track of the temperature. The most accurate thermometers are temperature Gina and digital thermometers with probes. A thermostat is necessary to forestall the UTH from overheating and to regulate the temperature. During the dark, the temperature should driblet no lower than 80F (21ºC). If actress heat is needed during the wintertime, a CHE (ceramic heat emitter) can provide actress rut.[6]

    • If you do use a heating pad/mat, brand sure your gecko isn't able to bear upon it or it could suffer from burns.
  4. 4

    Provide a 24-hour interval/night lite cycle. Leopard geckos are crepuscular, meaning they are virtually active during dawn and dusk, but they are notwithstanding adapted to live in areas with fourteen hours of sunlight a day, or 12 hours during the winter. The easiest way to provide this is through indirect sunlight from a window. A light is only necessary if a window is unavailable. A common misconception is that Leos cannot run into blood-red light. Although they can't see the colour, they can even so encounter the light then it's best to not use one. Subtle UV lighting, while non completely necessary, is benign and can take the place of a d3 supplement. Leos cannot overdose on d3 they get from this low-cal.

  5. 5

    Add three shelters per gecko to your cage. Purchase rock caves, logs, or any other reptile shelter from a pet store, big enough for the lizard to hibernate below. Alternatively, make these shelters yourself from smooth-sanded PVC pipe or other materials, merely avoid objects that have been exterior, and objects with abrupt edges. Identify the shelters in 3 unlike places, to meet the leopard gecko's needs:[7]

    • Place two shelters on the warm side of the tank, and keep one lined with moist paper towels, Eco earth, or sphagnum moss underneath it. This is chosen the "humid hibernate," and the floor will need to be moistened regularly to let the gecko to shed easily. (Keeping this on the common cold side is not recommended due to the risk of respiratory infection.)[8] )
    • Place a 3rd shelter on the cooler side of the tank, and keep it dry out.
  6. 6

    Put a dish of calcium in the tank. A milk bottle chapeau works groovy for putting powdered calcium in so if your gecko feels like it needs calcium it can go and lick some up. Be certain it doesn't have vitamin d3 or else it could atomic number 82 to an overdose.

  7. vii

    Obtain your leopard gecko from a trustworthy source. Notice your leopard gecko at a certified breeder if possible, or at a pet store with salubrious, well-cared for animals. Select an animal with bright, clean optics and a fat tail. Missing toes and crusty textile around the mouth are signs of illness or retained shed. Practise not purchase an unhealthy leopard gecko if you lot are non prepared to rehabilitate it.

    • If you ain a gecko that looks sick, practice non permit it to breed. Information technology may produce unhealthy offspring.


  1. 1

    Provide a shallow water dish. A wide, shallow h2o bowl is best, to allow the gecko to drink and breast-stroke without a significant run a risk of drowning. Go along this on the cooler side of the tank. Refill it every day and clean information technology whenever necessary, typically every other twenty-four hour period.[9] Employ bottled h2o, tap water left out for 24 hours, or h2o treated with reptisafe purchased from a pet store.

  2. two

    Keep a divide container of live insects. Alive crickets are the well-nigh mutual food source for leopard gecko pets, simply you may employ alive dubia roaches instead, purchased from pet stores or online. Other options are superworms (not the healthiest), hornworms and silkworms (not to exist bought in big amounts, hornworms are dandy as treats), and locusts (which are some other good staple diet). Never feed your Leo fruit or wild insects.[10] Butter worms and wax worms are options, simply due to their loftier-fatty content, you may want to use them as an occasional supplement for variety, rather than the master repast. Wax worms can be addictive to geckos and overfeeding may lead to your gecko refusing other nutrient. Because leopard geckos will rarely consume dead insects, y'all'll demand a plastic container with holes punched in the lid in society to keep the insects alive. Dead insects too provide no stimulation and are far less nutritious. Yous can buy insects every bit needed from pet stores, or maintain a larger container with enough insects to breed.

    • If using crickets, put egg cartons in the container.
    • To make condom and appealing food, the insects should exist slightly smaller than the space between the gecko'south eyes.
    • If keeping mealworms short-term, store them in the refrigerator. If yous are convenance them, proceed them at room temperature so some of them morph into beetles.
  3. 3

    Add vitamins to the insects. Buy powdered "calcium without D3" and vitamin with D3 powder for reptiles, often called "dusting powder." Before feeding insects to the gecko, place them in a plastic pocketbook with this powder, and milk shake the bag until the insects are completely coated with the white powder.[11] Feed these to the geckos immediately, equally described beneath.

    • Typically, you would utilise calcium powder every other feeding and multivitamins every three feedings. This can vary based on your gecko'southward age and diet, and so yous may desire to ask an expert for advice.
  4. 4

    Add more nutrients to the insects. Another splendid way to add together nutrients to the gecko's diet is to "gut load" the insects. Apply a special formula for this purpose, or simply provide your container of insects with fruit and/or vegetables for 12–24 hours earlier feeding them to the gecko. Carrot, greens, potato, and apple works well. Avert citrus, nightshade, banana, kale, iceberg lettuce, spinach, oats, broccoli, and watermelon. A very important thing is to never mix vitamin and calcium only to brand information technology easier for you every bit this can actually kill your gecko.[12] [xiii] If yous make up one's mind to effort this, do this in add-on to using the dusting powder described in a higher place, not as a replacement.

  5. 5

    Feed the gecko ii - iii times a week. [14] Leopard geckos under 6 months erstwhile need daily feeding, Leos six-12 months old demand to be fed every other day, and Leos over a year old tin can be fed every 3-4 days.[fifteen] Generally speaking, each gecko should be fed enough food to consume in ten–15 minutes, or roughly vii-10 crickets.[16] Remove all insects from the cage after 15–20 minutes, since they may assault and damage the leopard gecko'southward skin or eat the gecko'due south feces.

    • If your gecko is a deadening eater, or appears obese, check the section on wellness problems for advice.
  6. vi

    Clean the tank regularly. Remove feces, dead insects, and other debris from your leopard gecko's tank daily, to reduce the risk of affliction and alluring harmful insects. About in one case a calendar week, wash the entire enclosure with warm water and rubber reptile disinfectant, rinsing the disinfectant away before the leopard gecko is returned to its tank. Change the substrate when it begins to accept a noticeable odor, unremarkably once a month. Dry Eco globe only needs to exist inverse every half-dozen months. Bioactive substrate never needs to be cleaned or changed.

    • If you are using tiles or a similar, non-disposable substrate, just remove them from the tank temporarily and make clean the floor beneath then when y'all discover a smell.


  1. 1

    Acquire how to handle a leopard gecko safely. Wash your hands in warm, soapy water before treatment a reptile, to avoid spreading disease to you lot or the fauna. Herd the leopard gecko into your mitt, or gently selection it up by the torso, cradling it in your hand to provide plenty back up.[17] Never pick upwards the animal by the tail, since information technology can detach its tail in reaction to predators.

    • If the tail does detach, dispose of information technology, and make clean the tank daily to prevent infection at the tail stub until it heals and starts to abound a new tail.
    • Practise not smoke in the same room every bit your gecko, and especially not while belongings it.
  2. ii

    Sympathise pare shedding. Young leopard geckos shed their skin most once a month. Adult leopard geckos also shed their peel, merely less frequently. The skin volition turn grey or white a day or two before the shedding begins. As long as the sometime skin is successfully removed, usually eaten by the gecko, this is a harmless process and nothing to exist concerned about.[18]

    • If the skin gets caught around the toes, gently rub it off with a damp Q-tip. Your gecko probably won't similar this, merely if left on, the gecko could lose a toe.
    • If the old skin clings to other areas of the gecko, information technology's generally best to go out it on unless it's near the eyes, as this could cause middle problems.
    • Your gecko may shed in patches as opposed to shedding all of its skin at once.
  3. 3

    Check for signs of dehydration. If you go on the "boiling hide" shelter moist, as described in the prepare section, developed leopard geckos are usually able to regulate their own pare moisture. Yet, if the gecko develops sunken eyes, constipation, or boring shedding (onetime, white peel clinging to the new), it may have a serious wellness problem. You could consider gently misting the gecko's skin once every day or ii, just be aware that as well much moisture can cause dangerous skin bug and respiratory infection.[19] [20] Information technology may exist safer to accept the gecko to a veterinarian.

    • Leopard geckos under a calendar month quondam may "scream" when misted, only this is non a sign of harm.[21]
  4. iv

    Protect the gecko from over-humid conditions. On the other side of the spectrum, if the air is very boiling in the expanse the gecko is kept, consider purchasing a hygrometer to rails humidity in the tank. If it rises above 40%, point a fan over the tank or supervene upon the water dish with a smaller ane.[22]

  5. 5

    Reduce food for an obese gecko. Leopard geckos store fat in their tails, so they should accept a wide, fat appearance. However, if the gecko'due south tail is wider than the body, and/or if fat deposits take congenital upwardly around the limbs, reduce the amount of food per feeding.[23]

  6. 6

    Accept your animal to a veterinarian for other problems. Seek urgent veterinary attention if the lizard is not responding to your touch or to food, or if you notice twitching, weight loss in the tail, bleeding, or other serious wellness problems. Consult a veterinarian within 24 hours if yous notice diarrhea, constipation, crusty material building upward, or a dark, discolored toe or tail tip. Behavioral changes in eating preferences or sleeping schedule can occur naturally with age, but talking to a veterinary or reptile skilful about them is still recommended.

  7. 7

    Respect your gecko's privacy. Once the fiddling guy has moved in, he/she might be nervous at first. Don't attempt to hold him/her until he/she has settled in. If you lot effort to agree him/her before this, it may scare the gecko and stress it out, which tin can cause information technology not eat, leading to medical problems.


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  • Question

    Can you hand feed a leopard gecko?

    Audra Barrios

    Audra Barrios is a Marine Biologist and possessor of Lick Your Eyeballs, a business offering experiemces, reptiles, supplies and plants. With over 15 years of experience, Audra specializes in reptiles and exotic animals, environmental instruction, marine biology, conservation issues, and beast husbandry. Audra earned a BASc in Marine Biology from the Academy of California, Santa Cruz, and studied Natural Sciences at the College of Marin. She is the founder and Executive Director of Things That Creep, a not-profit dedicated to herptile conservation through education. She has spent the last nine years working as a biologist at the California Academy of Sciences.

    Audra Barrios

    Reptile Specialist

    Practiced Answer

  • Question

    I recently purchased a pair of geckos and refined their cage. When I went to PetCo, the guy said to use gecko calcium sand. Only when I looked it upward, every site says not to use information technology.



    Community Reply

    Never use calcium sand. You should have the geckos on a calcium supplement, though.

  • Question

    Should I hire a sitter or will my leopard gecko be fine left alone while I am on vacation?

    Community Answer

    Information technology depends how long the holiday volition be. If information technology is for longer than three days, you need to become a sitter to ensure that it gets the proper intendance and diet.

  • Question

    Are leopard geckos generally easy to accept care of?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Leopard geckos can be raised on a low budget. Brand sure you inform yourself about proper care and take into consideration that they can alive from 10 to 20 years.

  • Question

    How exercise I convince my mother these epic geckos would brand a great pet? I really liked the audio of them, learning that they are nocturnal and desert animals.

    Community Answer

    Practice a lot a research, and show your parents that y'all are capable of caring for this particular reptile, and that you know exactly what to exercise. Offering to buy everything needed with your own money also can help.

  • Question

    I got a severely neglected gecko that is really skinny and doesn't eat much. Information technology doesn't really accept a cool spot in its cage. What should I do?



    Community Respond

    Make improvements to its habitat and yous may demand to forcefulness feed him at first to get some weight on him. Become him to a vet if possible.

  • Question

    Why would my gecko spit out its food when hand fed?

    Community Answer

    Information technology might be considering it doesn't similar your smell. Wash with a non-scented lather and don't handle other pets, scented products or food other than its own before feeding it.

  • Question

    My gecko is skinny and has diarrhea. What should I do?



    Community Reply

    She needs to taken to a vet immediately. This is a sign of poor diet and internal parasites, or something more dangerous and peradventure fatal.

  • Question

    How do I fatten up my leopard gecko'southward tail?



    Community Reply

    Make sure it is getting a calcium supplement and the correct amount of nutrient.

  • Question

    What practise y'all look for if y'all think your leopard gecko is sick?



    Customs Answer

    Look for discharge effectually the optics, nose and mouth; skinniness; lethargy; panting; weakness; or if the animal stops eating/drinking. Diarrhea and vomiting also are signs of sickness.

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  • Leopard geckos are easy to care for, simply should be kept by handlers over vii years of age. Before owning any reptile, they should do research about the pet'south needs and treatment.

  • Leopard geckos take in most oestrus from their bellies, so they do not unremarkably need a lamp. A heating pad is much improve for the geckos.

  • Every bit described above, sand is dangerous, especially for hatchlings. If yous have an adult gecko that came with sand in the tank, yous can reduce the risk of injury by removing it and getting a improve substrate as soon as you lot can.

  • Add some cool rocks in the terrarium for him or her to climb on. It can boost their energy and it exercises their body.

  • Provide a humid hiding expanse for your lizard, it will help them shed their skin.

  • Plants are not necessary for a leopard gecko tank but can serve as decoration and shelter. Ever enquiry a plant online or ask a reptile proficient before adding a new institute to a tank, since some plants are toxic to leopard geckos or simply become plastic plants.

  • A well-cared-for leopard gecko frequently lives for 15 to xx years and can alive up to 30 years.[24] Make absolutely certain you can handle the pet for that amount of fourth dimension.

  • Leopard geckos are crepuscular; this ways they are most active during twilight (i.due east, dusk and dawn). They are not nocturnal like many other geckos.


  • Loud noises can be stressful to lizards.

  • Never apply hot rocks or rock heaters to warm the tank. The gecko may endeavour to bask on these and burn themselves.

  • Never use night or rut lamps for the lizards, as they tin damage their eyesight. Albinos are particularly sensitive to low-cal but tin be given low UVB.

  • Lizards can carry Salmonella bacteria. Ever launder your hands well with soap and water afterwards handling your cadger or touching anything they come up in contact with.

  • Housing leos together tin be dangerous for them, so don't. Even a boy and girl should be separated after mating.

  • Remove uneaten insects out of the tank, as they tin can attack your lizard.[25]


About This Article

Article Summary 10

To care for your leopard gecko, start by filling its water dish every day with clean bottled h2o and keeping it on the cooler side of its tank. Then, feed the gecko eight crickets every few days, or daily if it's a young gecko. To give your gecko more vitamins, sprinkle the crickets with calcium and vitamin D3 powder before feeding them. Finally, clean the tank with warm water and disinfectant weekly and replace the tank lining once every half-dozen months. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to intendance for your gecko while it's shedding, proceed reading.

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